NY daily news:
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter: Russia ‘attacked places where (ISIS) is not present’
Vladimir Putin went on the warpath Wednesday and launched airstrikes in Syria — but not against the Islamic State.
Instead, Moscow apparently went after the Western-backed rebels fighting to oust its ally — Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.“They attacked places where (ISIS) is not present,” Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said. “That is precisely the problem with this approach.”The Russians are “pouring gasoline on a fire,” he said.
Источник: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/russia-launches-airstrikes-syria-article-1.2379616
Недостатка желающих повоевать в Сирии нет. Офицерам и контрактникам за рубежом положены хорошие командировочные, объясняют военные
Источник: http://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2015/09/30/610921-nedostatka-v-zhelayuschih-povoevat-v-sirii-net
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