NY Times
As Russians voted in local and regional elections on Sunday, democracy advocates in the only region where they were allowed to run accused the authorities of fraud and said the police had blockaded an apartment where opposition activists were tracking the vote.
photo: Ilya Yashin – a Russian activist and liberal politician, one of key leaders of political party «RPR-PARNAS», co-founder and one of leaders of political movement Solidarnost
Парламентская четверка — ЕР, КПРФ, ЛДПР и СР — достигла в единый день голосования ожидаемых результатов, выборы губернаторов прошли в основном без сюрпризов, исключением стала Иркутская область, где назначен второй тур.
Источник: http://ria.ru/politics/20150914/1251304585.html
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